Many of you are probably New to blogging, so I will share a quick video that explains what this web activity is all about. What is a blog?
As well as two additional resources on the history of blogging and it’s definition that may offer more explanation of the topic.
So even if you are not so new at this and know how ( & why) to blog, as part of this class we are going to learn some of the ins & outs of blogging; the hows, the whys and the what fors.
It will be a learning process that I hope will strengthen your tech skills, your writing skills and your overall communication skills both in and outside of the classroom. We will start out slow and simple.
For your first task, simply view the video and read at least one of the articles on the definition/history of blogging.
Then be prepared to answer my questions in class or ask a few of your own. Nothing online yet, but it’s coming…. 🙂 Mrs. C