Time to set up your own blog and start blogging!
Once you login to Edublogs- using the username and password given in class- you will automatically be brought to our class page “Mrs. C’s Class Connection.”
Be sure to go the dashboard of YOUR blog for set up and posting.

Poke around the dashboard , explore themes and browse some instruction on getting started.
Steps #1&2
To Begin the Set up for your blog – start by choosing a theme
And then add an About page and tell us ( your class) a little bit about you!

Who are you? Share your hobbies, interests, family background, whatever else you want others to know about the you. Your post could be descriptive like Penelope’s About Me or creative like Kimberley’s A-Z description.
Just share what you are comfortable with sharing and/or talking about.
Step #3
For your first official blog post you can add a new post or edit the “hello world” post already on your blog.
Wondering what to say? Here are a couple of suggestions:
- Your post can be just a brief reflection of what you have learned in class so far.
- Or how about sharing some goals that you have set for yourself for the semester. An example might be: one goal for this class, one goal for this month, and one goal for this school year. How do you plan to accomplish your goals? Here are some examples others have written.
Alexis has written a reflection on her term goals, and Kayleigh created a bucket list on her blog.
- You could write about someone that inspires you. What is it about this person that makes them so special? Terapat (Tony) shares why soccer player, Chanathip, is his favorite person, or it could be someone that is just special to you as in these 2 examples.
- Answer one of the following questions:
- If the internet were to crash forever, what would the benefits be for you? The drawbacks?
- Should we fear failure? Why or why not? Explain.
- If a wizard could tell you anything about your future, what would you most like to know?
After you’ve complete steps 1,2 and 3 above……
Feel free to Visit other classmates pages– say hello in a comment or comment on the blog articles or topics others have shared. Just get to know one another a bit!
Don’t worry too much … just remember to stay positive, be respectful and be kind.